15 years ago I was doing research to creat a tech startup. In such I went down a rabbit hole and did an extensive study of selfies as wells internet culture. In 2013 the word “selfie” officially became a word. 1,000,000+ selfies are taken everyday and uploaded to socials. Be it to share an experience, show progressions or publicly pretend to be someone that they are not such behavior has become normal. In #theselfproject I wanted to delve deeper. I wanted to propose introspective thought into this behavior for those that became the participant in this cultures original and most simplistic form. loojking in a mirror. Inspired by Teddy Pendagrass’ “You can’t hide from yourself” as well as an earlier work of mine I constructed these mirrors. Each with its own phrase etched from the materials to become fused with the viewers physical. Once looked upon, they share an identity. They are one.
Invited the viewer to take a selfie and upload it to social media via the hashtag #theselfproject. in doing such I wanted to build a family of people that, no matter gender or orientation, age or sex, race or religion, could see that we all go through the same things, have similar thoughts and fears as well as joys. Being as such, why are we allowing the puppeteers to separated us and cause such divisions.
I am humbled by the personal testimonies that over 9,000 people showed their vulnerabilities in their posts and selfies. To date, January 2024, over 700,000 people have visited #theselfproject since its first public showing in 2016 and its first collection debut in 2018.