the highest point in the development of something; culmination or climax. The elevation of someone to divine status; deification.
APOTHEOSIS as a series exists to absractly convey this ideology. Drawing influence from mythology, iconography, symbolism, scared geometry, and various othe storied ideals it speaks of histories and guidance to the future in its own language of combined materials. Its genesis is that of the rising of the Phoenix to transform, transcend and become that which is new and enlightened.
Works have a composition of unconventional materials such as additives, concrete, metals, gold leaf, resin, sawdust, salt, various types of paint, mesh, flowers, etc all having a based of burnt shop Sufi ban treated distressed wood to symbolize this phoenix’s transformation. That in which, in order to construct, deconstruction has to occur to form a new sense of being and beauty.
this is a collection of some of the works from this series.